Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tools That Change the Way We Think

I can hardly say that this generation thinks for itself anymore. We base our thoughts on others and others base their thoughts on other and so on. It's a never ending chain of information taken from one another through the internet. I'm not talking about going through an informative book to get the information. People see what people think and think it as well. It might be just me but when I see how fast "swag" or "yolo" travels from one another, its incredible. We no longer control what we want to think because all the thinking that we need is already done for us regardless of whether or not we want it or not.

1 comment:

  1. You just explained my every thought about this generation. We may control what we think though, it is just the stuff we start that we may think is good (ex. YOLO) ends up being crap but is still out there for everyone to see. It also spreads like a wildfire.
