Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Ophelia

A part of me is saying to go with Hamlet because he is royal, and that is every little girls dream. But I say to trust your bother and father because they are your family and they would not encourage negative action in your life. They hold no empathy towards Hamlet, which is a great factor as well, and generally family is very malcontent with things that they do not agree with. IF you don't do as the family wants then that usually leads to a very unwanted split. Don't be obsequious and give into the dank submission from your mind. But it is hard to come to a consensus with a personal vendetta on the head of Hamlet by your brother and father. I know how much you might not want to give up on him, but I see a parlous harbinger as the outcome of this situation. To cull such an option would bring about bickering at apropos.

Ubi Kim

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