Thursday, April 18, 2013

Macbeth Act IV Notes

Since the thought of taking notes while reading in class didn't cross my mind, I'll give a summary as best as I see it

The witches, along with Hecate, are planning on cursing Macbeth once again because in the past the three witches messed up. Hacate stepped in and, from the sidelines, supervised the witches.

Macbeth is losing respect from the people around him because they think he has gone crazy which leads to suspicion. Without trust, the people around Macbeth don't revere him as much

Lady Macbeth's son gets stabbed. (it happened out of the blue)

Macduff and Malcolm talk about how angry they are at the tyranny of Macbeth. Instead of crying their eyes out and hiding, they are going to take their swords and uphold their honor. Basically revenge.

"Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware of Macduff!"

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