Monday, April 15, 2013

Macbeth Act II Notes

Scene one:
Banquo seems bothered by the witches but Macbeth doesn't. I find that a little unusual since "thane of cawdor" should make him think. Maybe his ego is just too big?
 Macbeth see a bloody dagger but it is only his imagination. He lied about not thinking of the witches and the prophecy because clearly it is bothering him, and the last lines suggest that he is going to kill his father.

Scene two:
Macbeth hears voices telling him not to sleep anymore but he has "murdered sleep" (what ever that means)

Scene three:
Duncan, the king of Scotland, has been murdered which has put the whole castle in disorder. While all except Donalbain and Malcolm go to investigate, Donalbain and Malcolm think about running away somewhere to be safe.

Scene four:
Since Donalbain and Malcolm fled, they are under the suspicion of killing the king. Because of that, Macbeth has been named the king to replace Duncan. Part of the prophecy has been filled. Though personally I thought Macbeth was going to kill Duncan himself. 

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