Thursday, November 1, 2012

AP Hamlet PLN

Mrs. Mills AP Lit blog doesn't really cover a lot of material on it, but there are some videos that I found helpful. There is also an essay topic that I could potentially think about for Hamlet.

Open Source Shakespeare
I thought this might be useful to me especially because a lot of the time I get lost in all the characters that are in a book, or I never get a complete grasp of all the characters that exist in the plot.

Shakespeare Index
This can definitely be a useful tool for Hamlet as well as the other Shakespeare plays that we read later in the year. It has a whole list of Shakespearean works with summaries and analysis with them.

Hamlet Blog
This is from a different student that is also using Hamlet as a tool to open source his/her work. It is nice to see the novel interpreted from a different perspective other than your own.

High School AP Lit course
I found this high school and the link goes directly to the Hamlet post by the teacher with a list of the students in the side bar. Since this is a whole new set of brains, I feel like this is very valid in its strength to aid me.


  1. We've got a lot of the same sources. I'd say great minds think alike, but it's probably just the magic of Internet search engines :D

  2. i love how the last blog asks for people to post new information instead of repeating things others have already said.

  3. To be honest, I needed two links at the end and I looked at yours and I couldn't decide which to use. Your links are really good and the info in each website is very useful!

  4. Your links are great! They provide a very diverse amount of Hamlet resources.

  5. Nice looking blog, the music captures the atmosphere very well. Have you made a tutorial for the background music? Cause Id use it.
    Useful links and well presented.

    1. Just posted the tutorial. Feel free to check it out.

  6. I like the links, especially the blogs at the end. They remind me of the course blog.
