1. By Monday, February 4, I have to finish a book. I feel the best way I'm going to achieve that is to split the book into parts and read one part every night for the next week. Its simple, and I wouldn't feel like I would be forcing myself to read at a really fast pace.
- What is this Industrial Revolution you speak of and did it involve cool uniforms? But seriously, was the Industrial Revolution a good thing? Somebody help us.
- Dickens wrote a lot of travel books and travel guides. Are there any points in the novel where you hear our author slipping into tour guide? What portrait of London does Charles Dickens paint?
- It is widely said that it is far better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Discuss amongst yourselves.
- What role do laws play in Great Expectations?
- Dickens likes social commentary. He likes to comment on society. He comments socially. What impression do you get of London society after reading Great Expectations?
- Why do servants run Mr. Matthew Pocket’s household?
- What the hey is a limekiln?
- Why do you think this novel divided into three parts?
- When Dickens sought advice from his playwright friend about how to end the novel, his friend told him that the masses would expect and want Pip to find happiness. George Bernard Shaw, a famous Irish playwright who died in 1950, felt that the revised ending was "psychologically wrong" but "beautifully touching and exactly right." Which ending do you prefer and why do you prefer it?
- There are lots of houses, dwellings, and apartments described in this novel. Which one would you live in and why? (You have to choose one, or else we’ll throw you in the limekiln.).
- Why doesn’t Biddy write to Pip to tell him that he’s being a butthead?
- If you could be any character, who would you be and why?
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