Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vocabulary #9

Abortive: failing to produce the intended result
  • An astronaut was abortive in his attempts to step foot on a different galaxy.
Bruit: spread a report or rumor widely
  •  Brutal Bruce bruits everything he experiences in his life.
Contumelious: scornful and insulting behavior
  •  Conner's contumelious comments generates a lot of hate towards his reputation.
Dictum: a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source; a short statement that expresses a general truth or principle
  •  The dictator's dictum dictated that he would not step down from his leadership.
Ensconce: establish or settle
  • He ensconced his role in the movie by staying in character throughout the time they filmed.
Iconoclastic: characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions
  • Many atheists demonstrate iconoclastic behavior by trashing Christians.
In medias res: a narrative that begins somewhere in the middle of a story rather than the beginning
  • Julian Smith uses in media res in his films to explain events.
Internecine: destructive to both sides in a conflict
  •  The trick question asked by the audience was internecine to both candidates.
Maladroit: ineffective or bungling; clumsy
  •  Extremely erudite people sometimes come off as socially maladroit.
Maudlin: self-pitying or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness
  •  The maudlin old man emotionally cried in the bar because his failure in life.
Modulate: exert a modifying or controlling influence on
  •  Many older peers modulate teenagers into negative habits.
Portentous: of or like a portent; done in a pompously or overly solemn manner
  •  The interview for the bodyguard job was portentous.
Prescience: the power to foresee the future
  •  I honestly believe I have prescience because of all the dreams I have been having.
Quid pro quo: a favor or advantage granted in return for something
  •  A man from my past offered me a quid pro quo which ended up benefiting my life greatly.
Salubrious: health-giving, healthy; pleasant, not run-down
  •  The new iPhone 5 is a salubrious piece of technology.
Saturnalia: the ancient Roman festival of Saturn in December; an occasion of wild revelry
  •  The ancient Roman village celebrated all night on their Saturnalia.
Touchstone: a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized
  •  The touchstone for all basketball players is generally their skill and height.
Traumatic: emotionally disturbing or distressing; relating to or causing psychological trauma
  •  The happy girl turned into a dark, lonely girl after the traumatic event.
Vitiate: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of; destroy or impair the legal validity of
  •  I hate when people watch a movie and vitiate the movie by talking about it.
Waggish: humorous in a playful, mischievous, or facetious manner
  •  Jesse and I have very waggish personalities because he find humor in pranks and jokes.

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